Slow Tourisme Catalogne


| Publié le 1 janvier 2018

The Voyageons-Autrement.com portal is ten years old, ten years old and the desire to bring together in one book a background work done day after day since 2008. This, in order to promote all sustainable tourism initiatives in France and abroad whom he had the opportunity to meet on his long journey.

At a time when a lot of information, reports, analyzes circulate on the web, it seemed important to us to fix on paper some of the most significant articles of these ten years of writing.

A portal is both an extraordinary flexibility, a great smuggler (runner?), but it is also the feeling of seeing lines and lines of information burrowing day after day or even run away in a virtual steamroller – when each article chases the previous one.

So there was a lack of an overview of all this, a form of structured image stop that allows to return in more detail on the work done in ten years, rediscover the emergence of some, the commitment of others, the flight of such, the evolution of such another, analyze also the strong tendencies, the way in which the durable one is gradually invited in universes as varied as the hotel trade, the transport, the spas, the Restoration, leisure.

Without ever pretending to be exhaustive, our portal has strived day after day to highlight a multiplicity of actors, from the smallest to the biggest, from the most classic to the most unusual, and, always with a single objective in view : to value those who commit themselves, to give them visibility but also to create exemplarity, to open up good practices, to link, to federate, to highlight, in a word, to encourage in text and image all in sustainable

« While the term » sustainable « seems to be very poor to include such diverse commitments, it covers such different actions, varying degrees of involvement, leaves much debate, and we are not fooled by long way to go. But already, some quest to move forward seems to have taken place. Many tourism stakeholders are trying to make sense and improve their practices. More and more travelers are wondering about their ways to travel, to meet the world, the worlds.

The subjects are infinite, the environment, climate change, the various labels, the share of the social, solidarity, territories, the commitment of the regions, policies, the evolution of our ways of moving, consuming, traveling. Let’s travel differently is a reflection that is surely imperfect and incomplete but a reflection in spite of everything. It was therefore worthwhile to stop there, to go back to the great causes of sustainable, responsible, ethical, social, and solidarity-based tourism, to unveil all those actors who accompanied us and who over the years, we have followed these cities, these regions, these parks, these countries which have gradually become involved, those personalities who have given so much, in time, in personal investment. There are a thousand and one stories on the portal, and it has not always been easy to choose from some 4,000 online articles to date.

We have nevertheless tried to select the best, or at least the most significant. And this, in order to emerge a form of « table » of sustainable tourism over ten years. Of course, we have not been able to keep everything, but the essential is there, our essential, which only asks to continue, to extend, to continue again and again an ant work done day after day, an awareness work, and information at the heart of the world of tourism.

« We must dare the sustainable, not only because it is now certain that our planet will not be able to keep pace with our exponential needs, but also because it is now shown that sustainable has a future. »

Given the ambitious draw – 15,000 copies –

5 distribution centers are planned
– a presale campaign (February / March). Upon publication, the book will be available for sale on the site.
– a network of partners will disseminate it in their networks and at the fairs they attend
– the more traditional broadcast circuit – independent bookstores, specialty stores, etc.
– a mission manager #Ambassador (of the book) will have the mission to promote the book in France for 1 year (trade shows, schools, conferences, round tables, popular universities, etc.) + 50 dates already planned
– other events such as competitions, special partnerships are planned

If you wish to be a partner of this book, contact me by mail – romain.vallon@idcroise.fr or call me! The deadline to benefit from an inset in the book is therefore fixed at 15 February but also remains dependent on the last places available

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Par Romain Vallon


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