The Heritage Interpretation : towards a new recognition of your competences at the European Union Level ?
Thèmatique : Acteur associatif Formations Guides Institutionnel
The partners of the European project “Interpreting our European Heritage” are calling the Tour Guides !
With the European project « Interpreting our European Heritage », you can show your interest to get your experience and knowledge about heritage interpretation recognized in 6 European countries, including Belgium!
What is heritage interpretation?
As a guide, you probably already use heritage interpretation techniques in your daily work. Heritage interpretation involves transmitting information, a message, by making it accessible and understandable to the intended audience, inviting them to become actors of their visit. Discover Freeman Tilden’s definition of heritage interpretation !
What our project “Interpreting our European Heritage” intends to achieve?
With this project, we want to make it possible for tourism professionals to get their competence of heritage interpretation officially recognized and validated. Indeed, this competence is often acquired during the professional activity.
It is used by guides but it is not officially recognized at the Belgian level nor at the European Union level.
Get your competence of heritage interpretation officially recognized !
In order to prove the utility and necessity of this recognition and validation to the European institutions, we are collecting proofs of interest until the end of September from tourism professionals (who are the end users and beneficiaries of our project) to get validated and recognized their competence regarding heritage interpretation.
Thus, this recognition will allow you to complete your profile of guide and to enhance your CV!
No engagement and free for the tourism professionals!
This declaration of interest for the recognition and the official certification of this competence is totally free and does not engage you to any mandatory action. You will be able to apply for the recognition and validation of your heritage interpretation competence when it will be recognized by the competent institutions at the community level.
How ?
By signing the document « Interest of Professionals » (you can download it ICI and send it signed to and
More information about the project in the document attached and on the website
Read about the 2 profiles of « interpretative host » and « interpretative guide » created in 6 European countries by the project HERE !
SAVE THE DATE : The final conference of “ Interpreting our European Heritage” will be held on the 17th of September 2015 from 9.00 to 13.00 in Brussels. Register now here !
Contacts :
Diesis Coop
Square de Meeûs 18
1050 Bruxelles
02 543 10 43
Interprétation du patrimoine : Vers une nouvelle reconnaissance des compétences au niveau de l'Union européenne ?
- Interprétation du patrimoine : Vers une nouvelle reconnaissance des compétences au niveau de l'Union européenne ?
- “Interpreting our European Heritage”
Par Marie Secrétant
Je travaille actuellement comme coordinatrice du réseau européen European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality à Bruxelles. Je suis engagée pour un tourisme respectueux des communautés d'accueil et des territoires qui incluent l'enrichissement culturel, économique, environnemental et social autant pour la population réceptrice que pour le visiteur. La durabilité, la responsabilité et la solidarité sont pour moi trois valeurs clés qui doivent être intégrées dans le tourisme. Je suis une voyageuse sans fin et le mouvement, la vie, la différence sont des moteurs de motivation. J'ai habité dans plusieurs pays tels que l'Espagne, l'Italie, l'Angleterre, le Mexique, le Vietnam et maintenant la Belgique et j'en ai partiellement découvert tant d'autres en tant que voyageuse, qui je l'espère fut le plus responsable possible.
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